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IDEAL 德國原裝進口碎紙機優勢:
IDEAL 是全球第一品牌、卓越非凡、超高先進技術,提供一流產品行銷全球,進口國內 30

About IDEAL > Made in Balingen
We are one of the only manufacturers in the worldto complete all production stages in house.
Learn more about our outstanding quality 'Made in Balingen':
“Powered by IDEAL” in Balingen implies PC-Board production, grindery, the most modern powder coating and final assembly. This helps us to speed up product development, to optimise production and to realise efficient quality control. In return it provides us with the feeling that we do whatever needs to be done to provide our customers with the best solution on the market. We call it “complete production” or simply “Made in Balingen”.
Krug & Priester implemented an approved Quality-Management-System and is certified under
ISO 9001:2008?standards. This Quality-Management-System encompasses besides manufacturing also any administration workflow.
Environmentally compatible production, economical use of scarce resources, and protection of the environment have always been firmly embedded in the corporate philosophy of Krug & Priester. The logical consequence is that Krug & Priester company has recently been certified according to
DIN EN ISO 14001:2009, the Environmental Management System.
In addition to the renewal of our Certificate ISO 9001 for Quality Management Systems and the ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, Krug & Priester has now been awarded the “Quality Sign for Management Systems” in January of this year. This award has been presented by our certification company, EQ Zert. It is the declared aim to improve our quality level even further by implementing programmes such as “Customer Focus” and “Continual Improvement”. These programmes are based on the already certified fundamentals of ISO 9001, but are defined in a more precise way and for certain fields. By continuous measurements, rules and explicitly defined evidence, these programmes ensure an even further enhanced quality level.
About IDEAL > History
About IDEAL > Impressions

品牌 | IDEAL |
產地 | 德國原裝進口 |
類型 | 碎紙機 |
重量 | 11.5公斤 |
尺寸 | 516Hx345Wx213Dmm |
內容物 | 碎紙機、中文說明書 |
應用 | 可碎訂書針、迴紋針、信用卡 |
入口安全檔板 | 有 |
多功能開關 | 有 |
過熱自動停機保護裝置 | 有 |
燈號 | LED燈顯示全自動感應碎紙 |
保固期限 | 一年保固 |
前進/停止/倒退功能鍵 | 有 |
自動關閉電源 | 待機後 30 分鐘後自動關閉電源 |
省電狀態 | 碎完自動停機並處於節能省電狀態 |
入口寬度 | 220mm(A4) |
碎紙細度 | 3X25mm(短碎) |
碎紙張數 | 4-5張A4/70磅 |
碎紙速度 | 3.6m/min(每分) |
碎紙容量 | 20公升 |
電壓 | 110V / 50 Hz |
消耗功率 | 150W |
國際認證 | UL, CE, GS, The Blue Angel(藍天使環保標章) |
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※ 為保障持卡人權益,您所提供資訊若與發卡機構核對有誤時,此次訂購店家將主動與您聯絡確認資料再次與發卡機構核對;若您不願提供詳細資訊或再次確認有誤時,店家將有權取消該筆訂單。
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離島(固定運費250 元)

公司名稱 | 新緹網路科技有限公司 |
公司統一編號 | 28934919 |
店家名稱 | 新緹網路科技有限公司 |
店家管理員 | 林雅惠小姐/廖芳緯小姐 |
店家地址 | 404 Taiwan 台中市北區學士路184號 |
店家電話號碼 | 04-22348114 |
店家電子郵件地址 | 聯絡店家 |
店家傳真號碼 | 04-24378352 |
04-22348114 (145)地區: 北區

香滷豬腳@美麗人妻Selina Wu
刷卡買IDEAL 2265 德國原裝進口短碎狀碎紙機(3x25mm)更划算~
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